Welcome! I'M

Front-end Developer & Freelancer Available

My Name is Abdelrhman khalil

I'm Developer from Egypt,I'm specialist in front end development

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About me

Why hire me for your next project?

I'm Creatve Developer from Egypt, working in web development . I enjoy turning complex problems into simple, beautiful and intuitive designs. My job is to build your website so that it is functional and user-friendly but at the same time attractive. Moreover, I add a personal touch to your product and make sure that it is eye-catching and easy to use. My aim is to bring across your message and identity in the most creative way.

My Services

My Provided Features

Web Developement

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,Stet clita kasd lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. sed diam eirmod tempor dolore.

Web Developement

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,Stet clita kasd lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. sed diam eirmod tempor dolore.

Web Developement

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,Stet clita kasd lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. sed diam eirmod tempor dolore.


My Expertise

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JavaScript (ECMAScript6)

React FrameWork





My Work Examples

Web page For company called smart

Eductional Website

Wordpress, Css, Html

This WebSite is service for study who want to travel and learn abroad ,the website was already built in wordpress template my job to redesin and add new feature to the website

Ecommmerce Website

Ecommerce Website


Ecommerce website Design only

Reading app By React

My Reading

React(JSX), CSS

React App to call abook Libiray and Searchthe book you want to read from server even you can change the state of books from current reading to want to read or Read

React Search movies by React

Search Movies

React, CSS

React App about Searching the movies from API. the Date came from the api is about information of the movies the rating and describthion number of series and much more but i make it so i focus much in the code not the style

Would You rather Game By React

Would You rather app


React App ,that you login into with User and Start Answer other people Question two Choose from two answers Like cake or pizza and you choose one of those, you also can create A question see how many people answered this and who choose there is a leaderboard to compare players score


What People Says

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